Madrasah Aliyah Al-Hikmah Karangmojo is a madrasah under the auspices of the Al-Hikmah Foundation, located in Sumberjo Sub-Village, Karangmojo Sub-district, Gunungkidul District, Yogyakarta Special Region.

MA Al-Hikmah Karangmojo was established in 1998 and is now accredited with the value of A. In the journey, Madrasah is able to compete with Madrasah / State and Private Schools in Yogyakarta both from academic and non academic. The students gain a lot of achievements in various competitions such as MTQ, MHQ, AKSIOMA, POSPENAS, JAMNAS, etc. While the alumni are accepted in many universities and get scholarships in PTN / PTS (UGM, UNY, UIN, UII, UMY, UAD etc) as well as overseas scholarships (Guangzho University and Al Qosim University)

This Madrasah is one of the places of formal education that educates students and in facilitation with free education kepesantrenan free of charge mondoknya. So that the parents / guardians of students do not think about the need for in Pondok in paying dorm fees, electricity and water costs.

While in the academic year 2016/2017 when viewed from the dissemination of student origin, geographically, 80% came from various areas outside Gunungkidul, some of them from other districts in DIY and there were students from various parts of the country namely Papua, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Aceh, Riau, East Java, Central Java, West Java and DKI Jakarta. Also from abroad is one person from Malaysian

Quantitative development, MA Al-Hikmah in the previous academic year received two classes, namely 1 Department of Science and 1 Department of Social Studies, in the School Year 2016/2017 class X with existing facilities have been able to receive received 3 classes consisting of 1 class of MIPA and 2 class IPS Specialization. While the phenomenon of the existence of schools that must cover themselves because of the students, the development of MA Al-Hikmah in quantity is a matter of pride.
MA Al-Hikmah new 16 times graduate students try to align themselves as one of the generations of believers, devoted and useful in society by participating in educating the nation's children.
School name  : MA Al-Hikmah Karangmojo
School address : Sumberjo, Karangmojo, Gunungkidul
Postal code : 55891
Tel : 0878 3898 6655
Teaching program : MIPA and IPS
The establishment of the Mandate Madrasa that excels in achievement based on Faith and Taqwa to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
1. Inculcating faith and devotion through the practice of religious teachings.
2. Optimizing the learning process and guidance.
3. Develop the field of science and technology based on interests and talents of students.
4. Award the achievers.
5. Cultivate an Islamic life and establish harmonious cooperation among madrasah citizens.
6. Developing extra curricular activities with life skill nuances
7. Implement democratic management.

Make a cheap school of quality in the field of academic and Islamic Life Skill

1. Superior in akhaqul karimah
2. Superior in mastery of science
3. Superior in awareness of worship
4. Superior in the understanding of the Qur'an and its practice
5. Excellence in various skills and activities

  1. Increasing graduates of MAS Al-Hikmah Karangmojo who believe and pious and accepted tertiary qualified as well as the world of work and independence in the community.
  2. Improve the achievement of students in both academic and non academic fields, both in science and technology as well as the practice of faith and devotion.
The curriculum is the same as the SMA curriculum under the Ministry of National Education, plus adequate Islamic Subjects in accordance with the Religious Department curriculum, and applying the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP).

  1. Leadership Education
  2. Youth Scientific Work Activities
  3. Information Technology Practices, Through Mastery of Basic and Advanced Computer Programs.
  4. Training on Methodology, Research, and Scientific Writing.
  5. Stabilization Penguasaaan 4 Languages ​​(Indonesian, Arabic, English And Java)
  6. Electrical Engineering Skills
  7. Sewing Skills
  8. Art Development
  9. Sports Coaching
  10. Tahfidzul Qur'an
  1. Free Eat 2 times a day (morning and afternoon)
  2. Free Mondok Fee
  3. Free Money Building
  4. Tahfidzul Qur'an
  5. Permanent Classroom
  6. Lab. Computer
  7. Lab. Language
  8. Lab. IPA
  9. Putra Mosque
  10. Princess Mosque
  11. Male Dormitory
  12. Female Dormitory
  13. Library
  14. Audio Visual in class
  15. Sports field
  16. Canteen
  17. School Cooperative
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